Combining the art of forging, metalworking, mechanical engineering, and mechanical movement, to create a form of art with an environmental twist.
My early career was providing Industrial Automation technical services and programming for large corporations such as Frito-Lay, Keebler Corporation, Northrop Grumman Aerospace, PPG, Purina Mills, and other factories that feature automation. Automation and robotics was a field of study I had been interested in since 10 yrs of age as I began to learn about electrical drafting and electronic troubleshooting principles. At a very young age I was already repairing electronic appliances for a local furniture company by learning repair techniques through reading books on the subject from the local and school libraries.
Always fascinated with electricity and all it's applications, I continued my education in Georgia Technical Institute where I learned more advanced digital electronic principles and repair skills. In professional career studies, I attended Allen Bradley Industrial Automation and Motor Control school, as well as PLC /SLC Logic controls courses in Atlanta, Georgia. This advanced training gave me the basis for the programming and application of industrial controls I use in some of my sculptures to control the various movements, lighting, speech, or other unique functions.
43 years after my first basic automated build on the home kitchen table, I have found my artistic passion. This art form combines my love for the form of animals, people, and nature all around us, with mechanical design and deep appreciation of our precious earth. It provides an avenue to incite others to be creative, be mindful of our limited natural resources, and to be proactive in protecting the dwindling beauty around us.